Scott Brenner

Scott Brenner

The founder and president of Scott Brenner Ministries, a non-profit organization committed to the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Scott ministers in the United States and internationally through preaching, teaching, and worship leading. He has ministered on five continents in nearly a dozen countries. Scott's passion is to see the nations of the earth embrace Jesus as Savior, and for the church to be revived and equipped as the light of the world to this generation.
Scott is the director of the Tabernacle of David, an interdenominational praise and worship ministry based in Seoul, Korea, and is the worship leader and producer of the Korean live worship recording series Tabernacle of David. Scott holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Liberty Baptist College, and a Juris Doctorate from Whittier College. Scott is a member of the California Bar, where he practiced law for several years before beginning full-time ministry. Scott and his wife and two children reside in Franklin, Tennessee, and are members of Bethel World Outreach Center in Brentwood, Tennessee.
<iframe src=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">[LIFELINE SHORTS] The Eternal Word (John 1:1~5) Part 1 / Scott Brenner</a> from <a href="">TRIBE OF LEVI</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
<iframe src=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">[AWAKE! 2012] Promo Spot</a> from <a href="">TRIBE OF LEVI</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

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